Meet Sean
We have previously covered Sean in one of our previous newsletter articles. But to continue on with our series to Meet a Techie, and as a bit of a refresh, let’s meet Sean.
Sean joined the Mac Aid team, all the way back in March 2012.
An interesting fact is that Sean has a background in chemical engineering. However, he thought it was the perfect time to make a change and looked at the IT industry.
Since joining Mac Aid, Sean has become one of our regular techies who enjoys working onsite with many of our clients. If he is not onsite, then he will be on the phone with them and can even be seen pacing up and down our hallway. With his dedication to the world of IT, he is always striving to better his knowledge of the technical universe.
In his spare time, Sean enjoys learning how to play the guitar, (he actually does own one), and taking plenty of photos of his wonderful four children. He is quite the photographer.
So if you are ever in need of some advice to find the right product for you, then why not call us and have Sean come out and say hi?