Let’s get serious about passwords

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Most of us intend to do something about improving how we handle our passwords, but it’s a tedious subject at best, and too easy to procrastinate about. Let’s make a firm commitment to two something about this right now before it’s too late.

One of the most important things you can do to improve the security of your IT environment is develop good password hygiene. By that we mean having strong passwords that are not used across multiple accounts or services, that are only known by those who need to use them, that are easily updated on a regular basis and stored securely.

One thing that most of us don’t like about strong passwords is how hard they are to remember or type. That is solved by using a password manager that securely saves your passwords and makes them easily available or shared.

For personal use, the iCloud Keychain is a great solution. But as soon as there is more than one user involved, that gets messy. The best solution is to upgrade to a dedicated password manager. This will allow you to set up differing levels of access for administrators and regular users.

Mac Aid recommends 1Password, and like most of the systems we recommend, we use it ourselves.

When setting up 1Password for your business, there are several considerations to keep in mind to ensure that your company’s data and information are properly secured.

Determine the number of users

Before setting up 1Password for your business, determine the number of users who will need access to the account. This will help you choose the appropriate subscription plan.

Set up appropriate access levels

Consider setting up appropriate access levels for different users based on their roles and responsibilities. For example, you may want to limit certain users’ access to sensitive information.

Create shared vaults

Shared vaults allow multiple users to access the same passwords and other sensitive information. Consider creating shared vaults for teams or departments within your business.

Set up and use multi-factor authentication (MFA)

1Password can also provide MFA. Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. Consider requiring all users to set up multi-factor authentication.

Establish password policies

Establish password policies for all users. This includes requirements for password length, complexity, and how frequently passwords must be changed.

Train employees on how to use 1Password

Provide training to employees on how to use 1Password effectively and securely. This includes best practices for creating and managing passwords, sharing passwords, and using two-factor authentication.

Monitor usage

Regularly monitor usage to ensure that employees are using 1Password appropriately and following company policies and procedures.

Plan for emergency access

Plan for emergency access to 1Password in case of unforeseen circumstances such as an employee leaving the company or being unable to access their account.

By considering these factors, you can set up 1Password for your business in a secure and effective manner. Talk to Mac Aid about implementing 1Password in your business.