Apple’s new operating system ‘Sierra’ is set to be released in the upcoming months.
One of the greatest features of Sierra is the fact that Siri is now incorporated into the Mac as well as your iOS device.
This means that Siri is able to do twice as much for you at the drop of a hat. No matter what device you happen to be using.


For those of us who don’t utilise Siri as best we could, the voice commands for her sometimes get lost in translation, or even worse, don’t register at all.
In order to help circumvent the frustration with Siri, we at Mac Aid found a mighty useful webpage that has numerous voice commands available for you to try.
Each command there is categorised, so searching through the webpage is easy enough.

You can find the webpage here.
Why not give it a try on your iDevice in the meantime and see if it helps ease any Siri frustrations you may feel?


Other features of MacOS Sierra include:

– Desktop and Documents folders can now be stored and uploaded to iCloud Drive
This also means that you can access these folders from any device (including a second mac). Now you’ll never have to wonder where you saved your files. They can be found everywhere.


– Universal Clipboard
The new OS allows you to copy videos, pictures and text from your iPhone and paste them to your nearby Mac, and vice versa.
So the next time you find an awesome video you want to save to your machine, all you need to do is be near it and copy and paste on your phone as per usual.


– Auto Unlock with Apple Watch
When wearing your Apple Watch you will be able to automatically unlock your Mac from the sleep login screen. So if you need to take a call and end up walking away from your machine, don’t stress. Just wake your machine and your Apple Watch will log in for you. No password typing required.
MacOS Sierra is set to be released this Spring.

Note: As with all new operating systems, please be aware that there may be a few kinks that need ironing out upon its release.
It is generally encouraged to make sure you backup your machine before upgrading the OS of your machine.
This means that if anything does happen to go wrong during the upgrading process (or shortly after it), you will have a copy of all of your files safe and sound.
If you would like some help with ensuring you have a good backup of your data, we would be happy to help. Just give us a call.

It’s been a year since the Apple Watch first hit stores but it certainly isn’t the only smart watch on the market. You might have assumed that the competition are purely for Android users, but in fact this is not the case. Whether you’re not a fan of the square design or haven’t the budget for the Apple Watch, here are some alternatives that you can still use with your iPhone



Huawei Watch
The Huawei is a big hit for traditional round watch lovers, and like Apple Watch is available in a variety of styles including gold and rose gold colours. The timeless design features a sapphire crystal glass screen, much like the mid to high tier Apple Watches, and unsurprisingly shares a very similar price tag.

Available from $496 here

Fitbit Blaze
For those who like the Apple Watch’s fitness and health capabilities, the Fitbit Blaze is definitely an alternative.
The watch’s features seem to be just that little bit better than Apple’s health features, and still includes notifications from your iPhone’s stock apps.
Emphasis on tracking your resting heart rate is a definite winner.
Available from $269.9 here



LG Watch Urbane

This watch is a decent dress watch lookalike.Whether in silver or gold, this stainless steel watch is definitely nice and shiny.
The full round, now smaller but still sizeable bezel is seriously eye- and light-catching.
Whilst the second edition watch has unfortunately been cancelled, you can still grab the first edition.
Available from $349 here




Asus ZenWatch

Like the Apple Watch, this watch comes in two sizes and colours that are tailored to him and her.
There are different 3 case colours to choose from, and 9 strap colours that enable you to express your creative self.
The ZenWatch is also fully waterproof at shallow depths for up to 30 minutes.
There isn’t any GPS built in, but the price is pretty hard to beat.
Available from $129 here



Microsoft Band 2

Microsoft have also brought out their own smart watch to compete with Apple.

The Microsoft Band has a bunch of perks such as notifications about new email, texts and calendar alerts, GPS tracking, heart rate monitor and sleep tracking (for the exercise junkies out there), and a nicely curved face that allows for maximum comfort when wearing.

Microsoft Band 2 is water resistant, and available in 3 different band sizes.

Available from $289 here




Tag Heuer Connected
This is definitely one of the more expensive Android watches on the market.
Looking just like the classic Tag watches, the Connected hosts first-class build quality and impressively detailed custom watch faces.
If you’re after a luxurious watch, this one is hard to go passed.
Available from $1,500 here



Goodbye Jimmy

After spending over 5 years with us, Jimmy has decided it’s time for a change of scenery.

He will be leaving the Mac Aid office in favour of spending time managing a bike store.
We wish him all the best in his future endeavours, and hope everything goes well with his bikes.

As clients, you may find that Jimmy will be introducing you to a new technician when onsite.
This is so that you have another familiar friendly face to recognise when you require our help.

Jimmy plans to be with us until mid July.



There’s been a few rumours going around recently that Apple may be planning to remove the ability to purchase music for download in iTunes, forcing users to switch to Apple Music.

But what is Apple Music and how is it different to the iTunes music downloads we’ve loved since the dawn of the iPod?

It is a streaming music service that combines all of your current music library with access to just about any artist (even Taylor Swift, unlike other streaming services).

So what’s so good about it?

You never miss a beat
Apple Music finds songs and artists that you like based on your preferences and what you listen to. You can also listen to specially curated playlists for different moods or trending stations. You can even start your own stations based on any song or artist you’re listening to and adjust them by marking tracks you like or dislike.

From there, you can then save your favourite songs to be available to listen to offline on your device.

Is it a paid service?
Yes, but not to begin with. Apple is offering a free 3-month trial to try the service before you buy. After you can subscribe for $11.99 a month or $5.99 for students.

Apple also offers family plans for $17.99 per month, which grants up to six people with unlimited access on their devices.

What devices can I listen to Apple Music on?
All of them! Well almost. Apple Music is available on iTunes for Mac and PC, iPhones, iPads, iPod touches running at least iOS 8, Apple TV, Apple Watch and even Android devices!

I already use Spotify/Pandora/Google Music. Why would I want Apple Music instead?
– Apple Music brings your preexisting iTunes collection alongside your streaming music.
– Apple offers an affordable family plan.
– Taylor Swift. (Do you really need another reason?!)

To find out more, click here.

This month has seen the arrival of Apple Pay for ANZ customers. Until now, Australia had been trailing far behind the U.S, with only American Express customers being able to access it and limited stores offering Apple Pay services.

But if you are an ANZ or AMEX customers you can now use your iPhone or even your Apple Watch to make payments.

With our new ANZ EFTPOS reader, Mac Aid is now able to offer this service to customers making payments in store.

You don’t need to open up any applications or even wake up your iPhone displays to use Apple Pay. To make a payment using Apple Pay, at participating stores, just hold your iPhone near the reader with your finger on the Touch ID home button.

So next time you’re shopping, keep an eye out for these symbols at the check-out:


If you are interested in setting this service up for your business visit:
