For those that use Google Play Music for iOS, it can now be played in Apple’s Car Play feature.

Available on selected cars that have the compatible car systems containing Car Play.

This previously worked with music apps such Apple Music, Spotify and Pandora.

Google has recently made an update to its Google Play Music which enables it to be played through an iPhone into Car Play.

What this will mean for drivers and designated passenger DJs alike, is now the ability to safely control the music from the built in car display.

To move Google Play Music to your first page Home screen, simply go to Settings > General > CarPlay > My Car and then rearrange the icon on the Home screen.

Google Play Music is available for free download from the App Store.

Other non Apple apps that are currently supported by Car Play includes At Bat, Overcast,, Audible, VOX, NPR One, Clammr and Downcast.

To activate CarPlay with your phone, click here to view the instructions.

There is a new recruit in the Mac Aid office that you will be spotting when you drop by.

Jessica has only recently moved all the way from Perth to live in Melbourne and is doing well to acclimatise to the colder weather.

But for now, she is based in the office from Monday to Friday as a marketing whiz.

Over the next couple of months, you will begin to see some changes happening on all of Mac Aid’s online platforms.

Adding to this, she will also begin to touch base and getting to know all of our valuable clients personally and over the phone.

So watch this space.

Free services, who is really making the most of it?

Everyone loves a freebie, but when it comes to free services are we really the end users?

Or, are we just a product that can be easily bought and sold by bigger players?

Examples such as Photobucket and free wi-fi hotspots show just how little control we really have over our own information.

Photobucket’s Terms of Service

Image and video hosting service provider Photobucket came under the ire of its users in July.

Photobucket quietly changed its policy which prevented its users from accessing their content until they paid US$400 annual fee.

Users who stored their imagery for use on sites such as blogs and forums were left shocked to see their images replaced with the message to “update your account”.

With no apparent warning given, the company instead opted to announce an “update to our terms of service”.

The change was contained at the end of the article, indicating that images would be left with broken links, with the only solution being to sign up to one of Photobucket’s subscription plans.

As it came with no warning, many people were unable to back up their content onto another device.

So if you store content with a free service provider, consider this as a reminder to invest in your own back up storage.

To make it easier for you, have one of Mac Aid’s technicians prepare and back up your content for you on devices such as the LaCie 4TB Porsche Design Desktop Hard Drive or the LaCie 2TB Rugged Portable Hard Drive.


Wi-Fi Hot Spots

Whilst on the subject of free services, this one here is a great way to end the month on.

Over 22,000 people fail to read the terms and conditions when agreeing to connect to a wi-fi hot spots all around the world.

In one instance in the UK, it has left people unknowingly agreeing to scrub festival portaloos.

Manchester based company Purple, works alongside businesses to provide public wi-fi hot spots.

The company decided to create an experiment in which they added a “Community Service Clause” to their regular user agreement.

To begin using the free service, people must agree to the user agreements.

This particular clause meant accepting to carry out hours of community service during the period of the experiment.

Purple handed out small prizes to those who actually read through the terms and commented.

Luckily enough, it mentioned that it was not binding to those who had agreed and used the service regardless.

However as amusing this may sound, it is a timely reminder that although its great to use free wi-fi, take caution when using its services.

Although free wi-fi is great for browsing the internet, ensure that you keep from accessing sensitive sites.

In most cases, using free wi-fi hotspots relies on unsecured connections.

By using unsecured connections, savvy criminals can easily take a hold of valuable and sensitive information.

To keep you safe, follow the below screenshot to deactivate automatic wi-fi network connections through Settings.

Plan Your IT Goals

With this financial year drawing to a close, it may not be a bad idea to start to plan your IT goals for the next year.

We have a few projects lined up at this current point in time but are more than happy to discuss and help you achieve your IT dream.
If you have something in mind or are pondering what you can afford on a budget, why not get in touch and see what we can do for you?


Tax time!

If your business turns over less than 10 million dollars per year, and you are looking at  purchasing  some new assets up to $20K( per item) you can  still use the Simplified depreciation method, which the Tax office introduced last year, to Immediately claim back the depreciation on the entire amount this financial year.
This tax rule is scheduled to end on the 30th June 2017.

We have thought of some ideas on how you could invest in IT.
Improving your business efficiency is always a great idea!
You could:
•Implement a studio management system to help with time billing (if that’s relevant for your business)
•Implement a customer relationship management system to help with the sales and customer service process
•Replace an ageing server, or add/upgrade one to improve performance/reduce risk
•Replace your ageing computers
•Upgrade software and/or operating systems
•Replace and/or implement a firewall to improve network performance, security and/or remote access
•Upgrade your network switches for better performance or reliability
•Upgrade or enhance your backup solution

If you have any other thoughts or ideas or want to discuss any of these further, don’t hesitate to call the office.

You can find more information on the Tax rule here.